
3 star rating
Most features are for the convenience of State Park employees

We applaud Tennessee for its many scenic state parks, but there appears to be a shortage of funding and employee motivation. Too many amenities appear to have been created so that they can claim completion, but the implementation and maintenance are poor.

Norris Dam State Park has two campgrounds. The one near the campground is quite old and dismal looking. The campground on the ridge is nicer.

Several campers said that this park is one of their favorites. We give the ridge campground a 3.5 on a 5.0 scale, but the bathroom , especially the showers deserve nothing more than a 2.0.

In the ridge campground, the sites are easy to enter and exit, especially for equipment 28' or less.

A newbie, driving an obviously rented motor home struggled to get parked, while a park employee sat in his truck blowing his horn.

We probably will not return to Norris Dam State Park, although it is only minutes off of I-75 at Rocky Top (formerly Lake City).

We stayed here in a Popup Trailer.

Written by DBCee3 on May 25, 2016

"near the campground" should be: . . . "near the dam and marina".


Written by DBCee3 on May 25, 2016
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