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New Post 4/25/2012 11:13 PM
110 posts

Tent Colors 
I know that the color of the tent does not really matter if you're going camping in a private park. But what about if you're really planning to rough it out? Will the color of your tent affect your safety?
New Post 4/27/2012 12:31 AM
106 posts

Re: Tent Colors 
Depends on how much roughing out and where you plan to go. If you're in a rather woodsy area, blue or white would be a good color. They are easier to spot but not too out there that it draws way too much attention. If you're out camping in say, Utah, I'd go with red or orange or yellow so in case of an emergency, it's so much easier to spot.
New Post 4/30/2012 4:09 AM
125 posts

Re: Tent Colors 
Yes it does, especially if you're really roughing things out and there are very few people. We chose our orange-colored tent for two reasons: it was really roomy and spacious and also because you can easily spot it from a distance. Not only does it make it easier to find after a long day of hiking. But like what madidi said, if anything happens, search and rescue can also easily find you.
New Post 5/2/2012 4:30 AM
116 posts

Re: Tent Colors 
It may, just like what the previous comments suggested. Bright warm colors are often the best. Just make sure that you choose the material of the tent as well. Although these tent colors can help when it comes to rescue and spotting your tent from a distance, for some reason they tend to be a lot warmer to stay in, especially during the summer time.
New Post 5/2/2012 11:40 PM
112 posts

Re: Tent Colors 
Unless I'm doing winter camping, I'd stick to good old white colored tent. It's able to reflect light really well at night when you flash your light on it so it makes it easier to find. You also don't have to worry about being too warm or too cold. It also still manages to stick out in most terrains too.
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