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New Post 7/29/2011 4:15 PM
139 posts

RV concerns 
Does anyone know how to go about fixing the bubbles which has developed on the ceiling of my RV?
New Post 8/2/2011 4:38 PM
33 posts

Re: RV concerns 
Do you know if they are rust bubbles? Or paint bubble? Or maybe water had condensed on your ceiling?

Usually if they are rust or paint related best thing to do is to remove the old material and replace it or coat it. if they are due to condensation you can purchase certain chemical coating in home depot to help with that.

Also check out this article it might help

New Post 8/2/2011 4:38 PM
33 posts

Re: RV concerns 
Do you know if they are rust bubbles? Or paint bubble? Or maybe water had condensed on your ceiling?

Usually if they are rust or paint related best thing to do is to remove the old material and replace it or coat it. if they are due to condensation you can purchase certain chemical coating in home depot to help with that.

Also check out this article it might help

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