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New Post 3/27/2012 12:09 AM
116 posts

The Smell of the Outdoors 
Every time that I go camping, I always enjoy the smell of the campfire and pine trees. It reminds me of my camping days with my dad while he was still around, and is one of the reasons why I love camping. How about you? What are your favorite smells/scents of the outdoors?
New Post 3/28/2012 3:34 AM
112 posts

Re: The Smell of the Outdoors 
Wow! I got lots and I don't even know where to begin. The smell of the grass especially after it rains, the campfire, pine leaves...all of these things are just wonderful scents for me and brings back great memories whenever I go camping.
New Post 3/29/2012 7:38 AM
121 posts

Re: The Smell of the Outdoors 
Ahhh! The smell of the campfire, along with the smell of a pot of coffee boiling over it. Nothing beats that.
New Post 4/2/2012 5:01 AM
133 posts

Re: The Smell of the Outdoors 
The smell of the rain, grass, campfire, the sea, the just goes on and on.
New Post 4/10/2012 1:21 AM
142 posts

Re: The Smell of the Outdoors 
I really love the smell of the grass after a light rain shower. There is also something sweet about the air whenever you're camping, especially in the morning. Partner that with a cup of freshly brewed coffee, and it's like heaven.
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