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New Post 3/7/2011 3:00 PM
  el fuller
96 posts

RV roof turned into swimming pool 
I was wondering if anyone has ever seen an RV rooftop turned into a pool ? I just had that in mind and is it even possible ?

thanks all
New Post 4/9/2011 9:44 PM
2 posts

Re: RV roof turned into swimming pool 
It may sound like a nice idea but I don't think there is a RV frame out there that could support a pool of any practical size. A gallon of water weighs a little over 8 lbs and a cubic foot of water is over 62 lbs.

If you had an 8 ft wide by 20 ft long RV and built a pool to cover the top, every foot of water in the pool it would weigh approx 5 ton.

New Post 5/4/2011 4:27 PM
112 posts

Re: RV roof turned into swimming pool 
haha, that'd be pretty cool but I find it hard to realize!!
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