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New Post 8/29/2011 12:07 PM
33 posts

Zip-Lock Omelets 
I found this recipe in another camping forum and im excited to share it. Its strange but I am giving it a GO for my next camping trip.>>>>

If you're camping with a cooler, or have dried egg powder on hand, you might want to try this recipe. Get the heavy duty, boil-in-the-bag storage zipper bags. Drop a couple eggs in there, some cheese, and veggies if you're so inclined then zip that bad boy up and drop it in some boiling water until you can visually see it's been cooked. I'm telling ya, it's worked great for us. Hits the spot!
New Post 8/31/2011 3:08 PM
132 posts

Re: Zip-Lock Omelets 
haha! this is very creative.
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