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New Post 9/4/2010 11:46 AM
3 posts

Tear Drop Campers or Tiny Travel Trailers 
Hello all,

My name is Galen and I'm the Director of a group called Tear Jerkers Buckeye Chapter. We are a fun group of people ranging from age 9-60+ member that enjoy camping and making new friendship with activities. Buckeye Chapter was formed in 2005 and do weekend trips at least three times a year.

Things we do:

Meet and Greet
Potluck Dinners
Campsite prizes
Bike riding
or just sit around the campfire

Tear Jerkers has grown to over 29 State Chapters with 5 International Chapters.

Anyone interested in joining our free forum, can at Follow the instructions and your in. When you join the forum you will be a member to ALL the chapters and can attend everyone.

Check the forum to see what gatherings are camping to attend and have fun!.


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