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New Post 3/29/2013 12:49 AM
  el fuller
96 posts

Importance of surge protectors 
I recently saw a whole of these surge protectors on sale when we visited a Camping World store this afternoon. The thing is, I haven't really seen anyone use this, at least not in the campgrounds I've visited since I started RVing three years ago. But I'm guessing it also could be because they are quite expensive. I didn't see any in Camping World that's under $300. Do any of you use it? Is it really a must-buy? What model and where should I look to get one?
New Post 3/29/2013 2:26 PM
106 posts

Re: Importance of surge protectors 
We have been using a surge protector every time we go out camping. It's one of those gears that you must never leave home without. They're worth every penny, especially during the summer time when the chances of getting a low voltage from the hookups provided is very high which can damage all of your electrical appliances very quickly.
New Post 3/30/2013 9:04 AM
126 posts

Re: Importance of surge protectors 
Very important! Surge protectors act like a sort of an electric sponge, so in the event that there is a surge of electricity that comes in, it won't affect and ruin your electrical appliances. At the same time, it also protects them from low voltage. It gives you a warning and also gives you enough time to shut everything off before it cuts off the power to make sure that they won't get ruined.
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