
4 star rating
Great location but a little pricey

This park is part of a resort property that includes other lodging choices. It is located right on the ocean a little north of Daytona. The beach was not crowded in late June and they do not drive on this beach. When staying at the park you have access to the resorts amenities such as the swimming pool. Sites have full hookups and most of those that are not oceanfront have at least some ocean view. On the downside they do not provide cable, which I think they should at these prices, and the bathhouse was unbearably hot with no AC and minimal ventilation. On the plus side, we learned to use the tiny shower in our camper.

We stayed here in a Travel Trailer.

Written by gradiver on July 22, 2013

AC not CA

Written by gradiver on July 22, 2013
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