
4 star rating
Comfortable campground, lots of mosquitoes

In mid-July, we were happy to find plenty of sites here for putting up our tent without a reservation. The campground had a friendly feel to it. The bathrooms were acceptable, but certainly not very nice. Inside were lots of dead mosquitoes and other bugs, and water ran across the small floor from one of the 2 showers, where 2 ladies slipped and almost fell. The campground was pleasant and quiet. Main issue was mosquitoes. Be sure to avoid the Group 2 tent where there is a hidden pond and murky area. As soon as we stepped out of the car, "Zap-zap-zap went little stings on our legs." I've never been attacked that fast by mosquitoes! After applying repellent, it was fine.

We stayed here in a Tent.

Written by familyfun on August 18, 2019

FYI cost for a tent in mid-July 2018 was $22.96 (inc. tax)

Written by familyfun on August 18, 2019
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