Location Address: Vernal, Utah 84078 GPS: 40.791667, -109.556666 View on Map Local Directions: From Vernal, UT, take US Rt. 191 north 21 miles to East Park (Red Cloud Loop) and Forest Rt. 18 signs. Turn left onto Rt. 18 and go 3.3 miles to intersection of Red Cloud Loop, Forest Rts. 18 and 20. Continue straight onto Rt. 20 and go 5.1 miles to East Park campground sign. Turn right after sign onto gravel road and go 0.7 miles to campground.
Contact Information Local Phone: 1-435-789-1181 Website: http://www.fs.usda.gov/recarea... 
Open June 15 to September 15
21 RV Sites, 21 Tent Sites, 21 No Hookup, 4 Pull Thru
Rates Daily Rates: $8.00
Facilities & Services
No Showers, Vault Toilets
Boat Ramp, Canoeing, Fishing, Kayaking
All Ages, Pets Welcome
Max RV Length 44 ft, Max RV Width 15 ft