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New Post 10/25/2019 10:24 PM
4 posts

Help!!! finding temp housing around Lewiston - Augusta, Maine 
Modified By nopeda  on 10/25/2019 10:27:01 PM)
I have a job in Richmond, Maine and want to arrive and start getting settled on November 5. I started looking around at potential places to stay a few weeks ago and filled out 2 applications for apartments yesterday but didn't realize how horribly desperate my situation actually is. I want to find a house to buy asap but all of the apartments seem to want a year lease, so that means I would be screwed every time I saw a house I like go by because I couldn't reasonably afford to move on it until probably at least 8 months. In the back of my mind I had naively thought I'd just get an extended stay motel but now that it's getting to be a time crunch and I look around a bit I haven't found a single one of them certainly not in Richmond, but not in Augusta or Lewiston or Auburn or Brunswick either. Airbnb isn't really any better as far as I can tell. Does anyone have any suggestions about what I can do? I could stay comfortably enough in my van if I had electricity, but where?

Thank you for any help or suggestions!

New Post 11/26/2019 8:54 AM
39 posts

Re: Help!!! finding temp housing around Lewiston - Augusta, Maine 
Currently, you're in a very desperate situation I can understand. Getting an apartment for a short time is not easy. I think staying in your RV is the best idea until you get an apartment according to your needs.
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