Camping continues to be popular. However, camping does come with a number of important hazards to be aware of. There are many benefits to camping, but it takes proper camping safety preparation, education, and insurance. Otherwise, the dangers of camping can quickly turn an exciting trip into a nightmare. It is also important to understand the risks of owning a campsite so that proper care can be given to you.Here are some risks you need to be aware of.
Risks Of Camping You Need To Know
l Car Accidents
l Fire Hazards
l Lightning
l Extreme Heat
l Extreme Cold
l Drowning
l Falling
l Rock Slides
l Quicksand
l Bears
l Mountain Lions
l Wolves/Coyotes
l Snakes
l Ticks
l Mosquitoes
l Plants
l Contaminated Water
l Food Poisoning
l Falling Trees
l Getting Lost
l Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
What Is The Potential Danger Injury in Camping?
When you're getting ready to go camping and wondering what the most common camping injuries are. Maybe you're bringing your kids along, and you want to make sure you're prepared for the unexpected.For the most part, the most common camping injuries are probably what you'd expect. That being said, to be on the safe side, it is wise to prepare ahead of time and even prepare for the worst.
1. Dehydration
One of, if not the most common camping injury is dehydration. Obviously, because you’re outdoors, and in the heat, you’re more likely to dehydrate quicker.It’s a good idea to not only drink water but eat foods like fruit, which help keep you hydrated as well. And if you know you have a camping trip coming up, try to start hydrating a few days before, so you’re not playing catch-up in the sun.
2. Skin Ailments
Being outdoors leaves you and your body skin susceptible to a wide variety of ailments. From different kinds of rashes caused by allergic reactions, to the sun itself, it’s wise to do what you can to protect your body skin while camping. First and foremost, sunscreen is extremely important and should be applied regularly.
3. Cuts
Cuts and lacerations of all kinds are common while camping, especially if you have kids who play outside all day. But if you pack a good first aid kit, you should have everything you need to treat any non-major cuts or wounds. It's wise to keep your wound clean when you're outdoors so you can avoid infection. Of course, if the injury can't be treated with a Band-Aid or bandage, it's best to hold off and go to the emergency room.
4. Insect Bites
Insect bites can be the most annoying thing you can encounter while camping, and on the surface they might not seem like a big deal. But believe it or not, they can be serious enough to require medical attention. What's the best advice? Use plenty of insect repellent whenever you're outdoors. Also, try to keep the fire lit as this will also help ward off bugs and insects.
5. Sprains or Fractures
If you plan to do any type of physical activity, such as hiking or swimming, be prepared in case someone in your party sprains something. In your first aid kit, you should have a variety of braces and medical tape so you can treat these types of injuries. If you or someone else breaks a bone, you can temporarily treat the injury, but again, it's wise to go to the emergency room right away.
How To Treat The Most Common Injuries
While most of us think being "prepared" for backcountry is everything on our backpacking bucket list, it's also important to have the skills and knowledge to deal with simple, common backcountry injuries that can ruin a trip or worse .Whether the injured person is on your team or just someone you meet on the road, the first person on the scene often becomes a "first responder" in a remote location, and more advanced help can take hours or several days.
1. Wounds and infections
With many sharp tools, jagged edges, and rough surfaces, there are a variety of hazards that can lead to cuts, scrapes, and punctures in remote areas. Knowing how to treat a serious wound and prevent it from becoming infected is a very useful first aid skill.
l Control Bleeding
Most bleeding can be stopped by applying direct pressure to the wound and elevating the wound above the heart. Always wear gloves before touching someone else's blood.
Give the patient a clean gauze and tell them to apply firm pressure to the wound while putting on the gloves. If the gauze becomes saturated, add more gauze on top, but do not remove any gauze already in the wound.
2. Burns On a camping trip, you'll likely use primitive tools to handle fire, boiling water, and fondue. Burns are another common risk you should be aware of in remote areas. The first step in treating any burn is to stop the burning process. Immediately soak the affected area in clean cool water - it may take a few minutes to stop the burning process in deeper tissues.
Next you should cover the burned area with antibiotic ointment and clean gauze or clothing. This will help protect the burn site and also help relieve the patient's pain. Patients can also be given ibuprofen ad libitum, as any deep burn is usually accompanied by severe pain. For extremity burns, elevate the burned area to reduce swelling.
3. Knee & Ankle Injuries
Whether it's a chronic injury with sudden onset from overuse, or a sudden injury from misstepping on steep or uneven terrain, it's important to stop and address soft tissue damage. Trying to "stay the course" can result in permanent, lifelong damage requiring ongoing physical therapy. As a lay first aider, it is not your job to diagnose a strain, sprain, laceration, fracture, or other specific injury. Your goal should simply be to diagnose whether the injured joint is usable.
If the patient's joint still has most of its mobility and can comfortably place weight on it, you can brace the injury by wrapping it with athletic tape or an ace bandage. If you are able to continue hiking on it, albeit with caution, make sure you have plenty of time to figure this out when you get to camp.
The common RICE acronym is your guide:
Rest - especially if each use causes pain, which is a sign of tendinitis
Ice - alternate 20-30 minutes of cooling with 15 to naturally rewarm
Compression - wrap securely with an ace wrap, making sure circulation is preserved
Elevation - have the patient lie down on a sleeping pad and elevate their feet on a backpack or two