Written by: Adeline Yuboco 06/15/2012 09:05 AM
Filling the gas tank and replacing RV tires are two of the major expenses faced by RVers. Unfortunately, gas prices have been steadily increasing the past few months. This, plus the price of replacing RV tires, can cause many RVers to reluctantly cut back on their road trips simply because they cannot afford it.
While we cannot do anything about the rising gas prices, you can do something about your RV tires so that you can save money and still go RVing as often as your would like. Taking good care of your RV tires can definitely extend its lifespan, and cause you to replace them less frequently. However there is another way to cut back on your major expenses; by switching from conventional RV tires to eco-friendly ones.
What are Eco-Friendly Tires?
Major tire manufacturers have recently launched eco-friendly tires as their way to address the growing concern over greenhouse gas emissions and global warming.
Basically any tires that reduce waste or reduce fuel consumption can be called eco-friendly tires.
Although they may look just like your average RV tires on the outside, eco-friendly tires have been specially designed and manufactured so that they can make your RV more fuel efficient by giving you more mileage per gallon, helping you cut back on fuel expenses during your RV road trips.
Eco-friendly RV tires are also designed to last longer than conventional tires, allowing you to get more from your RV tires. Not only will this cut back on your expenses, it will also help cut back on the number of used RV tires that are disposed on a yearly basis.
How are they Eco-Friendly?
There are number of different ways in which tires can be eco-friendly. They reduce waste by using post consumer products, a percentage of what goes into a tire are reused tires. Another way they reduce waste is by making them last longer, whether it be using new designs or using nitrogen as air, the longer they last, the fewer tires end up in a landfill. Treads wearing out and tire failures are the biggest part of people throwing away tires. Nitrogen filled tires are shown to help prevent tire corrosion, less likely to leak, and reduces running temperatures, all of which helps your RV run smoother resulting in fewer stops at the gas pump.
Others are designing new tires to lower rolling resistance, allowing the vehicle to move further without additional gas. All of these methods are designed to help reduce waste, reduce gas consumption, which in turn also reduces emissions. Any tire that basically does any of these things can be called Eco-friendly tires.
While all of these tires are designed to focus on reducing vehicle fuel consumption over their life, the technologies they employ to combine low rolling resistance qualities with on-road capabilities vary from each manufacturer. For example, some companies use Tg-F Polymers and +Silane. Tg-F Polymers are temperature-activated polymers that increases the compound bonding which helps improve tread wear and fuel efficiency. +Silane enhance grip on wet roads, reducing stopping distances. These are some of the more advanced techniques companies have been using to create eco-friendly tires, but aren't necessary to obtain this green label. Some tires, for example, are eco-friendly because the materials used to make them come from a combination of oil from orange peels and natural rubber.
Buying Eco-Friendly RV Tires
Eco-friendly RV tires can be purchased online and through your local tire supply store. Below are three eco-friendly RV tire brands to consider:
Disposing RV Tires the Eco-Friendly Way
Just like conventional tires, eco-friendly RV tires don't last forever. When it's time to replace them, here are some tips to dispose of them:
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