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New Post 9/24/2012 7:35 AM
139 posts

US Cellular Internet Connection? 
We've been using US Cellular for our cellphones, and have been really happy about it. This morning, I just got an email from them offering some Internet connection services. I've done a bit of search and noticed that nearly everyone is using Verizon for their Internet access, even if this is not their cellphone service provider. Just want to ask if anyone tried US Cellular's Internet connection? Was it any good?

Thanks for your feedback.
New Post 10/1/2012 2:24 PM
142 posts

Re: US Cellular Internet Connection? 
From what I know, US Cellular is pretty limited when it comes to their coverage, compared to Verizon. I guess that's probably the reason why there isn't that much people using this.
New Post 10/31/2012 2:12 PM
116 posts

Re: US Cellular Internet Connection? 
Can't say that I have. I'm included in the nearly everyone using Verizon for Internet access whenever I need to while camping. But I'll check with some of my friends. Will get back to you on that.
New Post 11/15/2012 9:15 PM
132 posts

Re: US Cellular Internet Connection? 
I'm guessing the same thing. I'd personally go with Verizon or AT&T. At least you know that they got a pretty wide coverage. Not always that great, but at least you got some kind of connection.
New Post 11/18/2012 10:20 PM
110 posts

Re: US Cellular Internet Connection? 
I haven't come across anyone yet using their Internet connection service. It could be, like what was mentioned here, that their services are limited. If you're not having any problems with your cellphone while you're camping, chances are it should be fine. Try asking them if they got like a trial period so that you can give it a go on your next camping trip so that you can check it out yourself.
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