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New Post 11/7/2011 9:12 PM
139 posts

Re: Lights keep on dimming 
Have your battery first checked. If your battery goes out or fades, so will your lights. If after you've checked your battery is still in top condition, go and have the fuses and circuit breaker checked by a mechanic. He will be able to check out the condition of the circuit breaker and fuses as well as the wires if they are already frayed so that you can have it replaced.
New Post 11/8/2011 8:23 PM
126 posts

Re: Lights keep on dimming 
I agree. There are some things that can be done by yourself at home, but things like lights and engine, I leave this to the experts. Yes, it may cost a bit more money, but it's something that I find to be worth spending since there is no price tag that you can put on safety.
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