Camping and RV Forums  Road Trips  The South  EZ Pass in FL?
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New Post 12/21/2011 10:09 PM
112 posts

EZ Pass in FL? 
I have been told that Florida uses SUNPASS, but I was wondering if EZ PASS can be used going through here?
New Post 12/27/2011 7:24 PM
  the Alban
117 posts

Re: EZ Pass in FL? 
Nope. Went to Florida last September and our EZ Pass did not work there. Found out after getting a bill mailed to me for a $.75 fee and a $2.50 admin fee. After learning it the hard way, I'd suggest to get a SunPass. You can get one online and then just have it mailed to your home. Minimum amount is $10 I believe.
New Post 12/28/2011 10:29 PM
126 posts

Re: EZ Pass in FL? 
Nope...and it sucks!
New Post 3/19/2012 9:53 AM
106 posts

Re: EZ Pass in FL? 
Nope. Just SUNPASS, which I find quite annoying especially since the EZ Pass is used practically everywhere else in the States.
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